Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CADA Conference

Please share what you learned from each of your sessions at the CADA conference. Think about how we can use what you learned in class or for the entire school. Your entry should be a well developed paragraph. 2-3 sentence per session.

Due by Friday at 10PM.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Committee Update

Since you guys can not do this correctly we will waste our day tomorrow picking committees. I love wasting time!

2nd Quarter Committees

The committees will begin on Monday and end February 18th.
I will be reserving every Monday for committee to meet with me for 5 minutes during class. This Monday we will discuss what your responsibilities are for the committee. Please think of ideas and questions on your own once you sign up for your committee.

Click Here

What needs to be done?

What needs to be done in order for you and you committee to be more successful? What was not available for you? What needs were not met? How can I can I be a more helpful? How can the class be more helpful?

This blog post can be anonymous if you would like.

Please post by Friday, 11/12 at midnight.