Sunday, November 7, 2010

What needs to be done?

What needs to be done in order for you and you committee to be more successful? What was not available for you? What needs were not met? How can I can I be a more helpful? How can the class be more helpful?

This blog post can be anonymous if you would like.

Please post by Friday, 11/12 at midnight.


  1. To be successful, we have to communicate so everyone in the committee knows what were doing. To stay on task and not get behind, beause problems will stack. Everything was available for me, thought I think that I wasn't always there for my committee, and im sorry, but i will try harder to be there. I think that you have been very helpfull and understanding. If its possible, maybe you can have a 5 minute meeting with each committee once a week. The class can be more helpful by respecting each other a bit more.

  2. ok i think we HAD EVERYTHING except maybe Bottis was a bit busy... Also Bottis told us to make a to-do list...& we did. However, did you FOLLOW the list? I dont know the details about yOuR committees but I dont think MY committee followed it.. maybe if we did, our event would have been better...

  3. to be successful, our committee needs to compromise and communicate with each other. we need to discuss and make sure our ideas are heard. We also need to make sure that our final idea is what others would want to and not just individual people. i guess everything was available for me EXCEPT for cooperation. nobody really bothered to listen to my ideas. and i just felt like an outcast. we didn't really meet all of our deadlines, but i will make sure that i remind my next committee about deadlines. i can probably be more helpful by letting everyone know my plan and suggestions, because i some how don't get all of my ideas out since i think people will think its a dumb idea. the class could be more helpful if they pitched in ideas and ask questions that will help us come up with more ideas.

  4. Well, I think my committee(6th grade visits) were on top of things,but also not. I think we could have worked more diligently and thought more ahead. If we did this, I think the event would have been more successful. I don't think there was anything not availiable to us besides meeting Ms. Miramontes because she is a busy woman! I would have liked to meet her more on the 6th grade visits. The needs that were not met were probably being more responsible about checking things. Bottis, you were very helpful! Maybe next time I think you should meet with the committee more, but other than that you were very helpful! Well, the class should ask to help us if they were not busy. Publicity helped us a lot, but too few people asked us to help if they weren't doing anything. Also, I think the class should pay more attention and listen better to the people in charge. That's about it!

  5. For my committee to be more successful we should have done inventorying a bit earlier because we did finish after the due date of inventorying, but Mrs. Lucero said it was okay. Sometimes when we were not sure of something we wanted to ask Mrs. Lucero, but sometimes you weren't available. The needs that were not met were having more days to inventory. Mrs. Lucero i think you helped us many times it's just that I think you should visit the student store few times during class when were in their and you should tell us what you want to do. Whenever we have days to stay afterschool to do inventory or help folding I think more students should come and instead of talking we work.(:

  6. In order for my committee to be more successful, we should have thought of spirit day activities that do not include groups with many members. Having many people in a group will be troublesome because groups will have a hard time finding the numbers of participants required in order to take place in the activity. Having large groups makes it difficult to manage. This will increase the chance of groups cheating to win. So we should have thought of activities with smaller groups. Sorry for saying this Bottis, but there was this one time when you were a bit late to come so we had no music for a little while. Please be on time for spirit days so students will not be disappointed. It was only that one time and I'm sure you had your reasons why you were late, but please don't be late for spirit days in the future. The class can be more helpful just by completing the tasks we assign them to do. And that is it. :)

  7. For my committee to be more successful, I think we should have reminded everyone every Friday to submit their poster and announcement requests. Some committees thought that they could always get away with just turning in the requests late, and expect us to finish it on time. BUT WE HAVE A SYSTEM AND IF IT ISN'T FOLLOWED, IT CAN BECOME A HUGE MESS. For example, fundraising and community service turned in the poster requests late. Luckily, we were able to finish community service's, but we had too much to do when fundraising turned theirs in. We weren't able to do their posters because of that. Also, announcement requests didn't go too well. Many committees forgot to turn them in, though that may be partly our fault for not reminding everyone. Spirit, thank you for turning it in on time at least for one week. But dance committee turned it in late on Monday with fundraising. Now someone else, who wasn't even in dance committee, had to argue about or due dates. That person said, "Why can't we just turn it in today if you haven't typed it yet?" and just kept on arguing. So to that person, here's your answer. If everyone turns it in on Monday, we can't type it that day in class. Therefore, like i said earlier, the WHOLE system will get messed up. That's it.

  8. Well, to be honest, i think the publicity committee did a good job this quarter. The only things that didn't go the way we planned was when many people forgot to put in homeroom announcement requests, or when people turned in poster requests late. It was partially our fault because we did not remind them enough. So in order for the committee to become more successful is to remind all committees every now and then to submit their requests early, so that they wont forget and get their grade marked down.(: And thats about it!

  9. I think my committee (publicity) did a great job overall! Everyone in this committee was new to leadership and also the committee was new but we still managed to get everything organized. There was nothing that wasn't available to us except the fact how some of the committees did not meet their deadlines in submitting the requests which could not allow us to type everything up. You were very helpful to my committee because you explained everything we needed to know when we needed it. The class would be more helpful if they turned in their requests before the deadline.(:

  10. Overall my committee did ok. To be more successful we should communicate more and plan ahead of time.But, for our last task we didn't finish the teacher grams in time and I saw people after and during nutrition working on it even though they weren't in our committee. I'M SO SORRY FOR THAT!!! I would've liked it if more people came to help on the grams after school(at least 75% of the class)we would've gotten more done. Mrs.lucero did a great job and she did her best through all the stress we gave her!!!!:D I hope for the next committee to join staff and student will do better than us...

  11. My committee was great although one of the members wasn't always there to help on wasn't always focused. I am not saying anything bad about the person, but I think they could have done a better job. Also when we had people stay after school we had many people, but they kept getting distracted with band and kept fooling around. SO we weren't able to get as much done as we had liked. Another thing is we need to do something about band because they keep coming into our room and distracting us while we are working after school. Mrs lucero you have been a great help. You have done so much for us considering you are one person and there are about 7 committees. I really enjoyed my committee and hope the next members of that committee will enjoy it too.

  12. My committee didn't exactly meet our expectations. Though, the teachers still thought our gifts were adorable. So, that is something good that came out of it. You were always there when we needed you but we didn't use the time we had with you to ask you questions. Which is our fault for not doing so. I don't think I can ask more from the leadership class because the day when we needed help in the morning. Leadership was there and helping out. They tried their best. I couldn't have asked for more.

  13. I think my committee wasn't so on top of things. We did things about last minute and we didn't do much, although the Halloween Grams were cute. We should have ordered supplies a few weeks earlier. However, we did receive a profit from the beef jerky and the Grams. Bottis didn't really talk to us much, so it would be helpful if you talked to each committee for about 5 minutes every week or every other week. The class didn't help with setting up for our fundraising much, because they didn't have much to help out with.

  14. One of the issues my committee had was the fact that we didn't have our supplies in check. Considering it was the first dance and only one of the students in our committee actually knew what the first dance was like from last year, we worked quite hard to make sure it met Mrs. Lucero's standards. We didn't meet our deadlines for ordering supplies. I think Mrs. Lucero did everything in her power to assist us with making our event successful. However, since she was extremely busy with other committees, it was hard to talk to her sometimes. Other than that, she helped us a lot. Also, the class was very involved with helping us with decorations. However, there were some days where we'd stay after school to do decorations and get nothing done because we'd get off task. But, on the actual day of the dance, everybody pitched in and spent a good amount of time helping us decorate, and our committee would like to say thank you for that.
