Friday, March 26, 2010

4 Quarter Committees

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  1. yeah! signed up for spirit exicted!
    but i noticed there people that had been in the same committee but they're still signing up in the same committee..i mean the people that had been in the same group is in the same group me and sabrina was in the same dance committee..

  2. I'm confused. Lynelle was in my first committee, but I would rather go into staff/student than fundraising , but she is already there. Can I still go? Because I also notuced that people such as Jonathan and Chris are in the same committee, and they were in the same committee as other people. Do you get what I mean? Sorry, but plz help!!!!! I don't know what to do.

  3. I am just as confused as Gina is.....all of the committees already have people from my past committees so I just signed up for spirit committee since somehow my name was deleted when I signed up around 3:00 earlier.

  4. BOTTIS.
    I've been in these three (staff/student, community service, fundraising) committees already and I have worked with the people who signed up for those as well.. -__-

    How do I sign up now?

  5. Are we allowed to sign up in committees with people we already worked with???
