Monday, February 1, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project

Your task is to look up the Pepsi Refresh Project and think of an idea we could do as a class or school. I am looking for BIG IDEAS. Then, post your idea and what category it would belong in. The post must be made by midnight on Sunday. No two people can have the same idea. The first person to post the idea will get credit.

Be Creative!


  1. We can use our unwanted clothing and make them into bags, or other products that would become useful.

  2. I'm so mad.... I had written so much and then I couldn't log on and then what I wrote, all three paragraphs got deleted.....Ughhh....... I'm so upset right now.

    Anyways, I was thinking that we could make (1)little simple crafts or(2) print lots of pages together and staple them to make kind of like a coloring book for very poor or homeless children.(3)We could also make cards out of all the scratch paper and unwanted paper at home and make homemade crafts and send them to children with very little hope left, such as orphans. (4)Or instead of cards, we could make quilts with leftover yarn/ scratch pieces of cloth for very poor families. (5) Ummm..... another idea is to write short stories or poems and send them to the parentless and homeless children of haiti.

    Ok, so I just came up with five ideas. They are just ideas, so I am not sure they will work very well, but I tried my best. :D

  3. 1) THE PLANET - We should donate our old or unused cell phones to a reycling center, so we can help prevent toxins in the cell phones from harming the environment.

    2) EDUCATION - We can do something to help people in our school improve their self-esteem. Maybe like a play /or video to show during PE.

  4. i had an idea about havibg a collective drive of any warned clothes that students or anybody doesnt need anymore or any can foods and donate them to the needy.
    or we can a have a GREEN WEEK. where the students reduce reuse and recycle. the school can reduce the amout of electricity being used and reduce the amount of waste we get from everyday school uses. also we can have a recycling contest. recycleing papers, aluminum cans, or any plastic bottles. and the winning class get a pizza party or something.

  5. The students at our school and the staff can donate books that they don't read anymore, and then we could send the books out to the poorer children out there, and that would be in the Education category.
    Also, we can recycle paper, because I have seen A LOT of extra papers in the trash bins at our school. That would be in The Planet category.

  6. we can use not needed cloth make into a pillow scrapebook kinda thing for teachers' day or other celebrations.

  7. Food & Shelter- We should give all the left over food fromm the cafeteria to shelters, so we don't let food go to waste.

  8. The Planet:
    1)Alvarado can start an afterschool club which helps to educate students in how to save energy and electricity.
    2)When doing spirit day activities,we should do more physical activities that don't require us to buy food or supplies. We could donate the money to charities instead.
    3) In the Art class(elective), students could be taught how to make crafts out of recycled newspapers and cans instead of using new supplies.

    Food and Shelter:
    1)Alvarado students can donate old unused toys and books to the leadership class where we could organize the treats into gift bags. We could then donate those gift bags to orphans or kids in homeless shelters.
    2)The leadership class can also volunteer in a mission to help serve homeless people.

  9. OHOH! My catagory should be arts&culture, or planet.

  10. Planet: planting many plants around the school and in our backyards

  11. Helping seniors- As a class we can go help at a senior home.

  12. i forgot my password so i had to make a new one![x

  13. Planet- Our school should advertise something new every week that will help the environment. We could make posters or put in a bulliten every week that asks the students to do something to help the environmeent. These could include using less water or remembering to recycle more often.

  14. Planet/Arts- Art students, sewing students, or any other kind of classes could be taught to make recycled plastic, newspapers, etc. to make things such as wallets, bags, bracelets [?], etc. Maybe we could also either sell it and donate the funds to an animal shelter, to the needy, to cancer foundations (ex. leukemia/lymphoma), or to other places in the world that might need help (ex. Haiti). We could also just donate the objects we made.

    Helping Seniors- We could, as a class, go to a senior center and help people at a senior home or assist with the food, activities, and so forth.

    Planet/Recycling- Alvarado should have a place where students could recycle paper, bottles, cans, or anything else that could be recycled. This could help reduce the amount of trash in the landfills and make our planet a cleaner one.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. homeless shelter :
    Alvarado could donate food for the people in homeless shelters .

    helping seniors :
    Alvarado could donate blankets to them .

  17. Neighborhood/Health:
    We could locate the nearest army or marine reserve center and request names of some of the troops over seas in Iraq so, all the students will then be able to write letters of encouragement, support, and to let them know they are not alone.

  18. Education:
    1. We can have a free summer school class that will do different activities everyday to help the planet. Activities such as going around the school and picking up trash and collecting recycled papers and bottles can be done.
    2. Our school should make a compost and put the left over food from the cafeteria in it.

  19. Education/Planet:
    Hosting assemblies or displaying a video on nature. This video will contain information that shows the affects of humankind against nature and provides a background knowledge of the environment. Also, giving the information of a fundraiser or activity that we will be hosting. Some examples are that we can do a spirit activity(not interfering with the spirit committee) that will have green materials that are rather reused, recycle, or reduced and are good for the environment. Another example is that we can collect bottles, cans, etc. and gather those up and we can deliver them for money for the school or donations to a foundation. These are efficient ways to get money and help the environment.

  20. Planet:
    We could host an assembly or put up posters on how we could make the world a greener place.The posters could include information such as recycling cans,bottles,papers,reducing the amount of energy and water used,picking up trash,and replace your light bulbs with energy efficient ones.

  21. food & shelter:
    -We could have a "donation drop box" in each homeroom, and reward those who donated money. Not just the school, but the district could do this as well. In the end, we'll use the money to pay for food needed for the homeless.
    -Assign a project to the class to knit or sew blankets for the homeless.

  22. The planet: Change all school campus trash cans to recycling cans for paper, cans, bottles, etc.

    Also, my mom is in a foundation and they are doing a feeding of the homeless this month. If anyone would like to help out they could always use volunteers. Or we can go as a class.

  23. Opps.. I guess my category is going to be art.

  24. The Planet: We could put up posters, that are made out of recycled paper, that say something to encourage the entire school to go green. Or we could use recycled paper during classes to reduce forest getting torn down and animals getting endagered due to loss of homes.

    Education: During homeroom there should be videos on going green to let the student body know what our planet Earth is coming to and how they can help.

  25. food and shelter: we can volunteer at a soup kitchen and help serve the homeless. Also we can use the left over cloth in your teen living class to make clothes for the homeless

  26. the planet, food and shelter:
    We can collect can and bottles anywhere and recycle them for money. Then we can use the money to buy food or just donate the money to the needy or a foundation.

  27. We shower with buckets and then use the water collected to water our plants.

  28. Planet:
    We could find places that take volunteers and have everyone sign up in a different place. Like one place will take their volunteers to pick up trash in parks or by the freeways so our planet wouldn't be so polluted.

    Food and Shelter:
    We can all look for items we don't use anymore such as: toys, any types of clothing. And instead of having a garage sale, have the students bring them to school where we can collect them to give to the needy.

  29. Planet:
    I have an idea to use the speaker phone when homeroom starts, and at that time we can talk about the importance of saving water, electricity, or resources to help our planet. We can give students tips that they can use at home. For example, after using the water for cleaning vegetables, we can use it for watering plants. Or we can save electricity by turning the lights on for a long time rather than turning it on and off and on and off. We can save resources like trees by using the back side of passed back paperwork and use it to work on math problems or drafts for writing.

  30. Theplanet:
    1.Solarpanels as power source.

    2. Reserve a day to a local beach after a rainy day, to pick up trash (the whole school attends). The beach will be split to 8 sections, the 7bears & faculty (if they want to participate). Students will follow their homeroom teachers to a selected area on the beach, according to bear team, and pick up trash. Collect the trash into trash bags, and which ever team gets the most amount of trash bags (full) will get bear points (say 10,000pts or something; and a BIG prize- that is worthy). There will be REGULAR trash, and RECYCLE bags. (differentiate by the color of the trash bag, black is trash& white is recycle). The trash bags will be with an ASB student or trustworthy (not cheating) teacher. EVERYONE will participate (the faculty/staff gets a choice of participating or not. if they do not, they will be in charge of the trash bags. Correct grouping and making sure the bag is full before tying it up).

    Summary; get a day to a beach for the school to collect trash. white bags for recycle, and black bags for trash. There will be 8 groups total, 7bear teams& faculty/staff. The staff get the right to choose to participate in this event or not to. If they do not, they will be the ones handling the trashbags for each team (say 2 staff members per bear team). 1Making sure the bags are full before tying them, 2making sure the trash goes in the black and recyclable items in the white, and 3NOT mixing it up with other bear teams. This will need the ENTIRE school to participate. The asb will prepare something GREAT at the end of the day to celebrate the great efforts of picking up trash. Like a bbq ;D at the beach.(haha)
    The recycle bags will be brought to a recycling center to get money for the school, and the trash will to (or the trash company if we can't get money from that!)

    I think the best date for this would be Earth day.. although not at a beach or after a rainy day. BUT! I heard after rainy days, that the trash from guttters and everywhere else normally stream to the beach. So I said the beach after a rainy day.

  31. Neighborhood:
    1.Create a BIG donation box for toys to those little girls and boys who don't have toys.
    2. Pick a week to volunteer at a clinical hospital (if they allow us there~!), like Jasmine said, a senior house; help a neighbor with work if she/he has problems (arthritis, senior, disability..)
    3. For those who don't recieve any valentine's day love, the homerooms can assign HOMEWORK, and each student will have to create a secret valentine card, and the teacher collects it. Then passes them out RANDOMLY. [:
    4. gift baskets for senior or neighbor birthdays (and we know they are lonely!)
    ---still thinking ---

  32. Theeee beach idea, I'm wanting it as a competition between the teams. So the teammates work together .. maybe we can throw in some character counts stuff to!
    Since we haven't done anything for character counts like Mrs. Magana had wanted since the beginning of the year.
    & talk about this at tuesday meeting ;D

  33. health; Leadership can take a trip to a senior home or a children's hospital and talk to them/play with them. If able, we could also do some aerobics (-cough- chinese dancing -cough-) to help them out and get their blood pumping while having fun at the same time.

    food and shelter; The school can have a special lunch day called "get a lunch, give a lunch" and supply a special lunch. Then, for every student who buys a lunch, we can pack lunches and donate them to soup kitchens or homeless shelters.

  34. Planet/Art: we can have student/staff members/ or anybody who would be willing to donate unwanted clothing, we can have the clothing class or the art class put clothes together and create their own unique styles then we can donate them to the homeless.

  35. ohdang, I realized my beach idea has the same concept as Crystal's, who first posted that kind of idea..

    Promote the health&body club that bottis&the counselor came up with, by having leadership join the club and encourage other schoolmates to join with advice.

  36. Planet: We can have the staff members give out tokens to students who are caught doing good things for the planet at school. Then at the end of the month the students can exchange their tokens for food or prizes.

  37. Planet: I think we should put paper recycle bins into every classroom since so much paper is thrown away everyday and/or reuse the back side of the paper if it's still usable.

  38. Planet: Alot of teachers seem to have alot of useless paper and other clutter. We can have the teachers take them out and let us sort them out, and recyle the recyable ones and throw out the others.

  39. we could have a green day :D
    everybody at school could pitch in & plant trees and stuff. we could also clean the school by picking up the trash. and have everyone participate. =)
    we could even wear green for that day.

  40. Neighborhood (or ThePlanet)
    ask the federal or local , if we can repaint the walls on the freeway, that have graffitti on it!

  41. I have this idea where in each homeroom class there would be a recyclable trash can that you can only put bottles,cans and paper in. At the end of each 3 months the homeroom which has the most recyclables would win and get more bear points for your bear team and get a snack.

  42. Sorry! The money that we will get for the recyclables will go to the homeless and people who don't have food. This would go under the group food\shelter.

  43. oh! sorry. /: mine is in the planet group ;D

  44. so many ppl posted da same idea..... hope u all get credit!!!!! im so sorry 4 postin so many
    i feel bad now again im reely truly sorry

  45. how about, changing our bulbs to fluorescent bulbs? I hear they save electricity.
