Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Questions about college

Please write one question you have about college. Your post is Due by Sunday at midnight.


  1. Will extracurricular activities increase your change of getting into a better college?

  2. If a student takes the IB progam and another kid takes the AP progam does that mean that both students have the same chance getting into the same college?

  3. Do colleges look for a person with good grades or a person who was more involved in school activities and joined more clubs?

  4. In some colleges, why is it mandatory for freshman to stay at the school dorms?

  5. What is the difference between the academic lessons and standards taught at a university compared to the classes at a cal-state school?

  6. Is there any difference between the general education taught at a community college, a state college, and an university?

  7. Do you have a better chance of getting into the college of your choice, or a greater college if you go to community college first? Or is it better to go to one of the colleges you get accepted to in the beginning?

  8. Do you really have to take the same kind of math class in college even after taking the test for an AP class in high school and passing it?

  9. Will you be more successful after college if you take a marketable major?

  10. Do colleges kick you out of the school after graduation?

  11. If a student joins clubs in college will it be beneficial for the studnets future jobs and/or education?

  12. How do the essays and applications get you into college?
    How does the schedule work at college?
    What is the difference between state colleges and going to college out of the country?

  13. Do students have to take an admissions exam?
    Are there placement exams for courses once a student is accepted?

  14. How do you get student loans/scholarships/financial aid?

  15. How does going to college going to effect your job and how is going to a specific college will make a huge impact on your life?

  16. What is the main difference between IB and AP?
    And will colleges look at them differently when you apply? If so, what would you have to do differently in IB and AP so you have a better chance getting into college?

  17. how do you transfer to different colleges?

  18. Will you have a greater chance getting into the college you want if you were to take IB all throughout Highschool? Also what do they really look for when your are apllying for college?

  19. Is it more beneficial if you go to a college in your state or going to a college out of your state?

  20. Is it more beneficial to live in a dorm or off-campus?

  21. While taking classes or specialized classes do the college/university give you opportunities to help you get a job?

  22. Does a college offer some financial assistance or do you have to come up with the money all by yourself?

  23. Is it better to go to a two year college and get your general education there, and then transfer to a four year college; or is it better to just go to a four year college? What are the advantages and disadvantages of going to a two year college first?

  24. how do you know which college is best for you if you dont have a decided major yet? and another one is When is the best time to go to college?

    Posting for SABRINA BODINE because the blog is currently not allowing her to post at the moment.

  25. When you get employed, do they look at the name of the college you went to? ( If you went to a prestigious college, you would most likely be employed or 1st choice for employment? )

  26. How do colleges choose their students?
    Would clubs and groups be more beneficial to a college application or good grades?

  27. How do college credits benefit you if you still have to take the main classes anyways? (like math and English)

  28. What do colleges consider before accepting you? Like do they look at the classes you took in highschool, how many groups you belonged to, grades, ect. Sorry this is very late...;)

  29. Does going to a high ranked university rather than a state college improve a reseme while applying to a job?

  30. If you are a certain race applying to a higher ranked univeristy will the college be more interested in taking you in as a student?
