Saturday, October 31, 2009

Your New Committee

As you start the planning with your new committee what will you differently with this committee? What are you most excited about? What advice do you have for the next group taking over your committee?
Make sure to answer all questions. This blog is due by November 6th at Midnight.

Monday, October 26, 2009

2nd Quarter Committees

BIG EVENT your first priority is 6th grade visits.
STUDENT STORE is a semester committee.

Click HERE to sign up for your committee.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blog Free Week

We have an incredibly busy week ahead of us. Make sure you are getting everything done for your committee. This is the last week in this committee. We will be picking new committees next week.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Everybody Dance

Your post this week is a little different. Your job is ask 5 student, who you are not really friends with, three questions.
1. Do you plan on going to the Spooky Ooky Dance?
If no... why not?
If yes 8th...what would make the dances more fun?
If yes 7th...what would you like to have at the dance?

2. Other than music what is the more important for a dance...

3. What can we do to make the winter formal special?

Collect all your information and then write it up like this:

1. Two people said they weren't going to the dance because their parents won't let them go.
Three people said they were going and we can make it better by playing better music, making it darker, and having more snacks,

2. 2 people said theme, 2 said snacks and 1 said the people who are going.

3. More slow songs, beautiful decorations, have it on a Friday nights, offer flowers, allow students from other schools to come.

These are made up answers, but you should get the idea.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Good Leaders Set Goals

Whether you are already recognized as a leader and trying to earn the respect of others or you are trying to build your leadership skills goal setting is an important step.
Goal setting helps us determine our priorities, get organized, make decisions, and realize our dreams. It is not enough to just write down something you would like to do or accomplish. Goals needs to be SMART.
Time and resources constraints.

Specific: what would you like to happen/accomplish
Measurable: determine if you accomplished your goal
Action: states what/how you will accomplish your goal
Realistic: It is possible?
Time/Resources: Give a time limit or resource limit if time is not an issue.

An example of a SMART goal:
Personal: I will to lose 20 pounds before the end of the year, by walking for 1 hour 5 times a week.

Class related: I will to have the student store organized by setting up the register with barcodes and training students by the end of the month.

Your job is to create a personal and class SMART goal. A well thought out goal will be more beneficial to yourself.
Your SMART goals are due by midnight on October 16th.

"SMART" goals was obtained from this site

Monday, October 5, 2009

Identify your weaknesses

Last week we identified our strengths and how those strengths will be useful in our leadership class. It is only fair and obvious that we identify our weaknesses. What is it that doesn't allow your strengths to shine? What trait is it that sometimes hold you back? What is it that does not allow you to give 110% in everything you do? Before you respond think about whether your weakness is something you can and are willing to work on. You will have an entire class to support you, but you have to be willing to work on your weakness.
What is your weakness? How does it affect all areas of your life?