Friday, September 16, 2011

"But I don't understand."

Today during our spirit day activity there was a boy who wanted to play our game.  He eagerly raised his hand hoping to be pick...but he wasn't.  Why?  Because he didn't have a team of four.  He came up to talk to me about wanting to participate, and I responded "I was looking for a team of 4."  He said he didn't understand.  I told him AGAIN he needed to have a team of four in order to play.  His voice cracked with a bit of sadness, as he told me no one wanted to be on his team.  And I said we needed teams of four.  And he said to me again, "But I don't understand."

Please forgive my lack of sympathy as this conversation was taking place.  I didn't feel well.  But after he left I began to think...  what about those kids who want to play but don't have a group to join.  How can we change how we pick the students who get to participate in our activities?  We want to mix the social cliques up.

My Idea:  Buy gold and blue beads.  Hide them under the benches and ask students to find them.  Those who find the beads get to participate.  Now.... this would only work once in a while.  We couldn't do it every week.  I am afraid kids will get hurt searching for the beads.  There are details that need to be worked out but its an idea.

Your post this week needs to answer the question above:  How can we change how we pick the students who participate in our activities?  It should not be a one sentence answer.  Think about it thoroughly.  Remember... its just an idea.

Posts are due by Friday, 9/23 at midnight.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

No Blog, but...

There is no blog for this week but you will have a homework assignment.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ASB Interviews

ASB interviews are tomorrow.  I forgot to ask who was interested in staying.  I need 4 current ASB members to help out.  Let me know if you are interested.  I will not be in class tomorrow, but I will be on campus.  Text me.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Overwhelmed Already

I don't know about you guys, but I am feeling a little overwhelmed.  I have so much information to give you, skills I want to teach you, we have activities to start planning and its only the third week of school.

 There is nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed.  What is important is that you acknowledge the feeling and then ask for help.  That is what is great about working with a team.

So, this next week coming up I need help getting a few things organized.  Please let me know if you can help.

How are YOU feeling?  Excited, Overwhelmed, Confused, Lost, Empowered, Ambitious.  It is perfectly normal to have any of these feelings.  Its the beginning of the school year, it may be a new school for some, and you are enrolled in a high demanding class.  

What is making you feel this way?  Do you need help or can you offer some support?

Please post by Thursday at midnight.  Then after Thursday come back and read everyone's comments.  See if there is anything you can do to help your classmates.  Please post how you would like to help.  Post should be made by Sunday at midnight.